Science Inventory

Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke Exposure


Cascio, W. Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke Exposure. Air Quality Research Seminars and Discussions, Washington, DC, Washington, DC, May 14, 2019.


The EPA and NOAA co-lead the Air Quality Research Seminars and Discussion (AQRSD) group. AQRSD is comprised of members from 20 federal agencies, has articulated two major goals in its strategic plan: (1) to enhance the effectiveness and productivity of U.S. air quality research, and (2) to improve information exchange between research and policy on air quality issues, including the scientific knowledge base for air quality standards and assessing compliance. Given the representation of federal research organizations that participate in the AQRSD, it is critical that there is discussion on what is known about health impacts from wildfire smoke impacts, and where further research is needed to (1) establish better estimates of health impact of wildfire; (2) understand factors that influence susceptibility of wildfire smoke and wildfire smoke related response; (3) understand the different health effects associated with combustion of different types of biomass and those involving structures; and, (4) provide evidence to support health protective actions (i.e. respirator use, clean air space standards, outdoor activity thresholds).


The presentation will broadly describe EPA tools and research dedicated to the protection of public health from the adverse effects of air pollution, and the study of wildfires emissions, and their impacts on air quality and health effects. The focus of this presentation is to outline what is known about health impacts from wildfire smoke impacts, and where further research is needed to (1) establish better estimates of health impact of wildfire; (2) understand factors that influence susceptibility of wildfire smoke and wildfire smoke related response; (3) understand the different health effects associated with combustion of different types of biomass and those involving structures; and, (4) provide evidence to support health protective actions (i.e. respirator use, clean air space standards, outdoor activity thresholds).


CASCIO AQRSD MAY 14 2019_TAGGED.PDF  (PDF, NA pp,  3476.85  KB,  about PDF)

Record Details:

Product Published Date:05/14/2019
Record Last Revised:09/03/2019
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 346287