Science Inventory

Solutions-Driven Research: Applying Translational Science Approaches to Research to Address Real-World Problems


Baghdikian, C. Solutions-Driven Research: Applying Translational Science Approaches to Research to Address Real-World Problems. SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, November 04 - 08, 2018.


EPA’s ORD is faced with many complex issues where there are multiple disciplines and stakeholders interested in finding practical solutions. ORD is applying Solutions-Driven Research principles to find the best solutions in a multidisciplinary, multi-stakeholder way. Translational science approaches will be applied in a 3 pronged approach to ORD to also evaluate the research process with these groups, and understand ways to better engage these disciplines and stakeholders. This information is relevant to the One Health community at SETAC as there are various challenges the community deals with, and they can learn from and adapt the structured process ORD is using to address problems. Also, it is an opportunity to connect with other SETAC members who may be using these approaches in their work/community/research.


There are several complex or “wicked” problems related to air, water, and soil that impact ecosystems and communities both domestically and abroad. Many of these problems are aligned with US EPA’s mission to protect human health and the environment. Addressing these wicked environmental problems requires interdisciplinary approaches that engage multiple stakeholders to fully characterize the nature of the problems and their potential solutions. To improve research planning and direct applicability of research to stakeholder needs, ORD recently launched a Translational Science initiative. Translational science is the study of translational research – how to produce and deliver science that directly informs decisions or actions, e.g. how to move from science to solutions. Translational research approaches emphasize stakeholder engagement throughout the entire research process, starting with problem formulation and informing all elements of research planning, implementation, dissemination, and evaluation. This initiative consists of a three-pronged approach: 1) apply principles of translational research broadly across ORD’s six research programs; 2) conduct two translational science pilots to advance the science of how we do translational research; and, 3) prepare case studies of translational research approaches in ORD to begin to extract successful methods. This session will describe some of the processes and findings of each of these activities as they relate to the interdisciplinary, multi-stakeholder nature of the problems that face the One Health community at SETAC.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/04/2018
Record Last Revised:03/15/2019
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 344481