Science Inventory

Adverse outcome pathways in research and regulation: Current status and future perspectives


Villeneuve, Dan. Adverse outcome pathways in research and regulation: Current status and future perspectives. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL, 34(9):1938-1940, (2015).


Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry publishes a series of articles known as “perspectives”. These are generally formatted as a series of three essays/short papers on a particular topic area. Each essay is intended to represent a different perspective (for example, academia, government, industry). This product is an essay for a “perspectives” article on “Advancing adverse outcome pathways for integrated toxicology and regulatory application”. Each author was charged to provide their perspective on “where we are, where we are going, and the current and potential limitations of the AOPs for a specific purpose”. This essay briefly summarizes efforts EPA has been involved in to formalize the process of AOP description and develop the AOP knowledge-base. It then lays out four key challenges that need to be met to further advance the AOP framework. The challenges outlined align with major tasks within the CSS AOPDD project, including (1) population of the AOP-KB with AOP descriptions; (2) application of AOP networks to evaluate cumulative impacts of multiple stressors; (3) development of quantitative AOPs and associated understanding of biological processes that define relevant points of departure leading to adversity; and (4) the need to demonstrate the utility of AOP-based predictions in order to foster confidence and regulatory acceptance of predictive approaches. The paper should help bring attention to previous and ongoing research investments by ORD and may help engage a broader segment of the toxicology research community in supporting these overall goals.


No abstract-per Dan Villeneuve

Record Details:

Product Published Date:09/01/2015
Record Last Revised:09/21/2015
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 309312