Office of Research and Development Publications

Biofuels and Fisheries: Risks and Opportunities


JORDAN, S. J. Biofuels and Fisheries: Risks and Opportunities. Presented at 139th Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, NASHVILLE, TN, August 30 - September 13, 2009.


This presentation will seek to inform and engage the fisheries science community in examining the potential risks and benefits of a developing biofuels industry.`


A rapidly developing biofuels industry in the U.S. and around the globe poses novel environmental challenges and opportunities, with implications for teh health and sustainability of fisheries. Changes in land uses and agricultural practices for production of biofuel feedstocks may top off the list of challenges for coastal watersheds, but the other phases of the biofuels-- feedstock transportation and logistics, processing and production, distribution and end uses-- also have implications for fisheries. Fisheries scientists will need to contribute their expertise to this endeavor and help to define a comprehensive research agenday.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:08/30/2009
Record Last Revised:03/31/2022
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 205527