Science Inventory

Reactive Nitrogen Impacts on Ecosystem Services.


COMPTON, J. E., R. L. DENNIS, H. A. WALKER, B. MILSTEAD, AND STEVE J. JORDAN. Reactive Nitrogen Impacts on Ecosystem Services. Presented at ACES: a Conference on Ecosystem Services 2008: Using Science for Decision Making in Dynamic Systems, Naples, FL, December 08 - 12, 2008.


To develop a framework of ESRP¬Nitrogen to represent positive and negative impacts of nitrogen on important ecosystem services, across an N loading gradient. Developing a defensible ecosystem services accounting framework would allow managers and regulators to see the range of effects of Nr. ESRP-Nitrogen is currently developing approaches to bundle and measure multiple ecosystem services influenced by Nr, and initiating a research program comprised of national, regional and place-based studies to address these issues.


Abstract for presentation at ecosystem conference in December 2008.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:12/08/2008
Record Last Revised:01/30/2009
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 200248