Science Inventory

Demonstration of Step-Wise Groundwater Modeling in the Arid and Semi-Arid Southwest USA: The Fort Irwin Stormwater Recharge and the West Coast Basin Seawater Intrusion Studies


Kraemer, S., A. Alzraiee, J. Densore, S. Paulinski, AND T. Nishikawa. Demonstration of Step-Wise Groundwater Modeling in the Arid and Semi-Arid Southwest USA: The Fort Irwin Stormwater Recharge and the West Coast Basin Seawater Intrusion Studies. 2019 MODFLOW and More, Golden, Colorado, June 03 - 05, 2019.


The EPA and the USGS are collaborating on step-wise computer modeling studies in Southern California using analytic element (WhAEM, GFLOW, AnAqSim) and finite-difference (MODFLOW, SEAWAT) computational methods. The EPA sponsored studies under the auspices of its Safe & Sustainable Water Resources program involve two case studies: (1) stormwater capture and infiltration into the aquifer system using drywells at the Fort Irwin National Training Center located in the Mojave Desert; and (2) recycled water injection wells as a protective barrier from sea water intrusion into drinking water wells of the West Coast Basin located in the Los Angeles basin. Both locations have published MODFLOW models, including geologic conceptual models and calibration/validation simulations. This foundation facilitates the testing of the simple-to-complex modeling approach, including conceptual model building, testing of systems understanding, and the exploration of scenarios of sustainable water management, such as underground injection control and managed aquifer recharge.


The EPA and the USGS are collaborating on step-wise computer modeling studies in Southern California using analytic element (WhAEM, GFLOW, AnAqSim) and finite-difference (MODFLOW, SEAWAT) computational methods. The EPA sponsored studies under the auspices of its Safe & Sustainable Water Resources program involve two case studies: (1) stormwater capture and infiltration into the aquifer system using drywells at the Fort Irwin National Training Center located in the Mojave Desert; and (2) recycled water injection wells as a protective barrier from sea water intrusion into drinking water wells of the West Coast Basin located in the Los Angeles basin. Both locations have published MODFLOW models, including geologic conceptual models and calibration/validation simulations. This foundation facilitates the testing of the simple-to-complex modeling approach, including conceptual model building, testing of systems understanding, and the exploration of scenarios of sustainable water management. Preliminary results will be presented for both studies which demonstrates the applicability of step-wise groundwater modeling.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/05/2019
Record Last Revised:09/06/2019
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 346420