Science Inventory



Project A (R834513C001):
In year 3, we will complete recruitment of new CHAM2 participants, continue data collection at 10½ years, and begin the 12-year visit (in February 2012). Interim visits at 9¾ and 11¼ to assess pubertal development will be ongoing.
Project B (R834513C002):
In the next year, measurements of Mn in teeth, and for a subset, maternal and child blood and urine and breastmilk, will be completed. We will begin analyses examining the interrelationships of Mn in teeth and other biological samples as well as completing the analyses of predictors of Mn in house dust. We also will complete analysis of Mn and PBDEs in blood from CHAMACOS 9-year-old children.
Project C (R834513C003):
Next year, we will expand pyrosequencing and Infinium analyses to additional samples from the same children at other ages (2, 5, 9 years old), and confirm our preliminary finds for Alu, LINE-1 and Illumina for a larger sample size. Additionally, as CHAMACOS puberty data become available at the end of 2011, we will analyze how global and site-specific methylation changes through pubertal development.
COTC (R834513C004):
  • Dissemination of Center research findings: We plan to hold our annual community forum, continue targeted outreach to community groups, and respond to invitations for presentations. We also will continue our dissemination to the scientific community.
  • Education on children’s environmental health: Over the next year, we plan to set up the Prenatal Environmental Health Kiosk for use in additional health clinics and social service agencies. Environmental education to childcare providers and community groups will continue.
  • Youth Community Council (YCC): Over the summer, the YCC will work on a Photovoice Project where they will use cameras to record the positive and negative health impacts of their local environment. After the project is complete, they will present their work to a community audience and their art will be posted in a public space.
  • Policy Makers: We will continue to present our research to policy makers as requested. The Tri-County Association of Latino Elected Officials, a regional group, has invited us to describe the CHAMACOS studies and findings.

Record Details:

Start Date:11/01/2009
Completion Date:10/31/2014
Record ID: 249281