Science Inventory

Examining the Utility of In Vitro Bioactivity as a Conservative Point of Departure: A Case Study


Paul-Friedman, K. AND R. Thomas. Examining the Utility of In Vitro Bioactivity as a Conservative Point of Departure: A Case Study. Presented at Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) Visit to RTP June 2018, RTP, NC, June 08, 2018.


Poster presentation to the EPA Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) June 2018


In collaboration with partners from A*STAR, ECHA, EFSA, Health Canada, OECD-JRC, and other EPA offices, we want to test this hypothesis - that in vitro bioactivity can be used to derive a conservative point-of-departure (POD). Do new approach methods (NAMs; in vitro bioactivity data) provide a conservative estimate of POD compared to traditional in vivo data? Are bioactivity-exposure ratios (BER) useful for risk-based prioritization of chemicals for additional study and/or to serve as a low tier risk assessment approach? This poster gives an update of the latest findings of this group study.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/08/2018
Record Last Revised:08/24/2018
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 342034