Office of Research and Development Publications

Building a Developmental Toxicity Ontology


Baker, N., A. Boobis, L. Burgoon, E. Carney, R. Currie, E. Fritsche, T. Knudsen, M. Laffont, A. Piersma, A. Poole, S. Schneider, AND G. Daston. Building a Developmental Toxicity Ontology. BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH PART B: DEVELOPMENTAL AND REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Indianapolis, IN, 110(6):502-518, (2018).


Background: As more information is generated about modes of action for developmental toxicity and more data are generated using high-throughput and high-content technologies, it is becoming necessary to organize that information. This report discussed the need for a systematic representation of knowledge about developmental toxicity (i.e., an ontology) and proposes a method to build one based on knowledge of developmental biology and mode of action/ adverse outcome pathways in developmental toxicity. Methods: This report is the result of a consensus working group developing a plan to create an ontology for developmental toxicity that spans multiple levels of biological organization. Results: This report provide a description of some of the challenges in building a developmental toxicity ontology and outlines a proposed methodology to meet those challenges. As the ontology is built on currently available web-based resources, a review of these resources is provided. Case studies on one of the most well-understood morphogens and developmental toxicants, retinoic acid, are presented as examples of how such an ontology might be developed.


This report outlines an approach to construct a developmental toxicity ontology. Such an ontology will facilitate computer-based prediction of substances likely to induce human developmental toxicity.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:04/03/2018
Record Last Revised:04/23/2019
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 344816