Science Inventory

EPA tools to incorporate ecosystem services into wetland restoration and conservation


Harwell, M. AND T. DeWitt. EPA tools to incorporate ecosystem services into wetland restoration and conservation. MidCoast Watershed Council, Newport, OR, December 21, 2023.


This presentation to the MidCoast Watershed Council (central coast of Oregon) will present examples of advancing ecosystem services tools and approaches relevant to coastal wetland restoration.


Researchers at US EPA’s Office of Research and Development have been working on operationalizing ecosystem services concepts, approaches, and tools for a wide range of environmental decision-making contexts. This presentation provides an overview of some recent research in this area, specifically capturing the state of the science on connecting ecosystem services to ecosystem restoration. First, a coastal wetland example will be given using the FEGS Scoping tool, a decision support tool designed to help users better understand a prioritize among stakeholders, beneficiaries, and the ecosystem attributes of interest. Second, a recently published report on connecting ecosystem services to restoration effectiveness and monitoring assessments will be introduced. The presentation will conclude with an open discussion of the potential relevance of these tools to wetland restoration efforts in coastal Oregon.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:12/21/2023
Record Last Revised:01/03/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 360100