Office of Research and Development Publications

A Tale of Three Cities: Community-based air pollution research


Weaver, A. A Tale of Three Cities: Community-based air pollution research. NSTC Air Quality and Community Health Subcommittee (ACRS), Washington (and virtual), DC, August 17, 2023.


This presentation is intended to advance a conversation among federal air quality scientists about involving communities in air quality research. The goal is to better inform the scientists about different methods and approaches to working with communities on air quality research.


This presentation provides an overview of community-based air pollution research for members of the ACRS subcommittee, an interagency workgroup of federal air pollution and community health researchers. Most workgroup members are scientists who are experts in air pollutant measurement and modeling but have less expertise in community-based research. This presentation provides three examples of community-based air pollution research with am emphasis on community engagement.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:08/17/2023
Record Last Revised:01/02/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 360062