Science Inventory

GeoPFAS R2P2 Region 8 Science Council Presentation 20211118


Pilant, D., D. Fronczak, A. Lindstrom, D. McMoran, AND D. Hardesty. GeoPFAS R2P2 Region 8 Science Council Presentation 20211118. Region 8 Science Council Monthly Meeting, NA, CO, November 18, 2021.


This is an internal USEPA presentation to the USEPA Region 8 Science Council describing a research project to use GIS to help identify potential sites of PFAS contamination.


GeoPFAS Occurrence Mapping and Diagnostic Project, an ORD-Region 8 R2P2 research project to use GIS to identify/prioritize sites of potential and known PFAS contamination. The presentation was made to an internal audience of the EPA Region 8 Science Council. It covers the goals of the project, a brief outline of GeoPFAS, and some examples of how PFAS is being mapped.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/11/2021
Record Last Revised:11/07/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 359426