Science Inventory

Wearables in Environmental Health Research


Rappold, A. AND S. Prince. Wearables in Environmental Health Research. National Academies of Science workshop, virtual, NC, June 01 - 02, 2023.


Developing Wearable Technologies to Advance Understanding of Precision Environmental Health A Collaborative Virtual Workshop of The Standing Committee on the Use of Emerging Science for Environmental Health Decisions and The Board on Human Systems Integration From coast to coast, technology is becoming more integrated into daily life. Now, cutting edge technologies, like wearable devices, can be used to spur progress in the biomedical and environmental health fields. In this workshop, experts will discuss emerging applications of wearable technologies and the latest research and advancements in wearable technology for capturing, monitoring, and predicting environmental exposures and risks to inform precision environmental health. Additionally, the workshop will explore other areas such as disease monitoring, interventions, and biomedicine, and discuss technology adoption, implementation, and science communication for advancing biomedical and environmental health research.


no abstract

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/02/2023
Record Last Revised:06/06/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 358005