Science Inventory

Health Effects Determinations of Current and Emerging Sources of Air Pollution


Farraj, A. Health Effects Determinations of Current and Emerging Sources of Air Pollution. The International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies Symposium, (virtual), SOUTH KOREA, September 07, 2022.


This talk will be presented (virtually) to the National Air Emission Inventory and Research Center (NAEIRC) of the Ministry of Environment of Korea on September 7, 2022. This is an invited presentation (invited by Baek Jihye) that will be presented as part of The International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies Symposium organized by the NAEIRC.  The purpose of this talk is to discuss research findings with colleagues in Korea who perform related research and/or are generally interested in air pollution health effects assessment. The hope is that this talk will foster exchange of ideas and insight to improve future respective research efforts. 


Air pollution inhalation continues to exact a substantial public health burden, driven largely by adverse cardiovascular outcomes. The precise reasons accounting for this are unclear, but may relate to new and emerging sources of air pollution, the increasing prevalence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that elevate risk, and lingering uncertainty regarding the identity of the chemical constituents and biological mechanisms that mediate such responses. This seminar will present various approaches used to assess the health and biological effects of air pollution, particularly adverse cardiovascular and pulmonary outcomes. The relative toxicity, mechanisms, and emissions chemistry of key current and emerging sources of air pollution including traffic, wildland fires, and house fires will also be discussed. Finally, the seminar will conclude with a discussion of how toxicological findings are combined with human epidemiological and clinical data to inform integrated scientific assessments for key air pollutants.  

Record Details:

Product Published Date:09/07/2022
Record Last Revised:04/26/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 357688