Science Inventory

Short-Term PM2.5 Exposure Impacts Cognitive Performance: A Longitudinal Repeated Measures Study of the Western US 2017-2018


Cleland, S., L. Wyatt, L. Wei, N. Paul, A. Patil, S. Henderson, AND A. Rappold. Short-Term PM2.5 Exposure Impacts Cognitive Performance: A Longitudinal Repeated Measures Study of the Western US 2017-2018. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 2021, NYC-Virtual, NY, August 23 - 26, 2021.


While wildfire smoke is a pollutant of growing concern, there is little evidence to date if short-term exposure impacts cognitive function. Using repeated measures, we aimed to identify and quantify the relationship between daily and sub-daily PM2.5 and smoke exposure and changes in cognitive performance in adults. 


Background and Aim. There is increasing evidence that air pollution exposure adversely impacts cognitive health. While wildfire smoke is a pollutant of growing concern, there is little evidence to date if short-term exposure impacts cognitive function. Using repeated measures, we aimed to identify and quantify the relationship between daily and sub-daily PM2.5 and smoke exposure and changes in cognitive performance in adults. Methods. Cognitive performance data was obtained for 1,467 Lumosity users, age 18+, who completed 20 plays of a brain-training game targeted to improve cognitive flexibility in the western United States during 2017-2018. We considered two measures of daily and sub-daily air pollution exposure: (1) PM2.5 concentration estimates, obtained from a Bayesian Maximum Entropy data fusion of observations from FRM/FEM and PurpleAir monitors, and (2) smoke density, obtained from the NOAA Hazard Mapping System. We used a longitudinal repeated measures study design with an autoregressive linear mixed effects model to quantify the relationships between measures of short-term exposure and cognitive performance, overall and by age group. Results. A 10 μg/m3 increase in daily average PM2.5 in the week prior to play was associated with 46.9 (95% CI: -92.9, -0.9) point decrease in Lumosity game score. The highest impacts were observed in the youngest (18-29) and oldest (70+) age groups. The presence of medium smoke density on the day of game play was associated with a significant decrease in score. No other measures of smoke density in the 2 weeks prior to play were associated with Lumosity performance. No associations between measures of sub-daily PM2.5 exposure and performance were observed. Conclusions. Results indicate that increases in daily average PM2.5 can adversely impact cognitive flexibility. Short-term smoke exposure may also be associated with cognitive performance, but more research is needed to investigate this relationship. This abstract does not reflect EPA policy.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:08/24/2021
Record Last Revised:04/01/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 357408