Science Inventory

Careers in Federal Agencies and Careers in Government


Augustine, S. AND M. Robillard. Careers in Federal Agencies and Careers in Government. IN: Careers in Federal Agencies and Careers in Government, American Association of Immunologists, Bethesda, MD, 25-26, (2022).


The purpose of this invited article is to provide a summary of the invited Roundtables on Careers in Federal Agencies and Careers in Government that we led at IMMUNOLOGY2022, the annual conference of the American Association of Immunologists (AAI). The article will be published in the AAI Newsletter and will provide valuable information pertaining to Federal Government employment and research opportunities to readers.


The article describes our experiences as employees conducting research in the Federal Government and information on the application process. It also addresses some of the questions attendees raised during the Roundtable discussions. 

Record Details:

Product Published Date:12/01/2022
Record Last Revised:02/23/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 357146