Science Inventory

Overview and findings from an EPA Office of Research and Development public health partner meeting


Baghdikian, C. Overview and findings from an EPA Office of Research and Development public health partner meeting. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & Exposition (virtual), N/A, N/A, October 24 - 28, 2020.


EPA ORD held a meeting with public health practitioners and health care professionals to understand mutual areas of interest within environmental health. This presentation discusses the approaches used in and preliminary outcomes from that meeting.


EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) has committed to engaging the healthcare professional and public health communities. Public health and health care professionals are often asked to address concerns about environmental exposures and/or make decisions at the local or individual level about these issues. A dialogue across disciplines will help everyone better understand mutual areas of concern and identify approaches to engage on topics of mutual interest. Ensuring these connections will help transfer federal research findings to partners to inform public health decisions. This presentation will provide an overview of the process EPA used to identify areas of mutual interest between public health practitioners and health care professionals. Impact Statement: EPA ORD held a meeting with public health practitioners and health care professionals to understand mutual areas of interest within environmental health. This presentation discusses the approaches used in and preliminary outcomes from that meeting.


PHHC_APHA_FINAL 508 TAGGED.PDF  (PDF, NA pp,  3431.163  KB,  about PDF)

Record Details:

Product Published Date:10/24/2020
Record Last Revised:05/10/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 351657