Science Inventory

Development and Harmonization of Organotypic/Co-Culture Models and Assays to Improve Throughput and In Vivo Relevance in Inhaled Chemical Testing


McCullough, S. Development and Harmonization of Organotypic/Co-Culture Models and Assays to Improve Throughput and In Vivo Relevance in Inhaled Chemical Testing. CSS Board of Scientific Counselors, Virtual, Virtual, February 02 - 05, 2021.


Presentation on the development and use of organotypic/co-culture in vitro models in inhaled chemical testing for 2021 CSS BoSC Meeting


- Bronchial epithelial cell models provide valuable information but are not representative of other aspects of the structure and function of a complex tissue, - Fit-for-purpose multi-cellular models are necessary for accurate, reliable, and defensible inhalation toxicity testing and computational model. - Human data from environmental inhaled materials is invaluable in lung model development and validation.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:02/21/2021
Record Last Revised:03/11/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 351024