Science Inventory

Big Data in Environmental Health Applications


Rappold, A. Big Data in Environmental Health Applications. To be Presented at Virtual-Federal Interagency Conference on Big Data and Social Sciences, Durham, North Carolina, September 30 - October 02, 2020.


The Social and Behavioral Sciences Interagency Workgroup, comprised of social and behavioral scientists from more than a dozen federal agencies, is planning a Federal Interagency Conference on Social Science and Big Data designed to better understand big data in the context of social science applications across the federal government. Big data presents great promise for helping to address social and public health issues, but also raises a number of ethical and technical challenges related to data justice, access, and privacy.


Environmental epidemiology has always been big and complex but today growth in data and technologies enable us to better characterize exposure, individual sensitivities, a look back in time, to think prospectively in our search for solutions.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:10/02/2020
Record Last Revised:10/16/2020
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 349906