Office of Research and Development Publications

Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) For Oxides of Nitrogen, Oxides of Sulfur and Particulate Matter Ecological Criteria (Second External Review Draft, Jun 2018)


EPA has released the Integrated Science Assessment for Oxides of Nitrogen, Oxides of Sulfur, and Particulate Matter – Ecological Criteria (Second External Review Draft). The deadline for comments is September 4, 2018.


U.S. EPA. Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) For Oxides of Nitrogen, Oxides of Sulfur and Particulate Matter Ecological Criteria (Second External Review Draft, Jun 2018). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-18/097, 2018.


The purpose of the ISA, according to the CAA, is to “accurately reflect the latest scientific knowledge expected from the presence of [a] pollutant in ambient air” (U.S. Code, 1970a, 1970b). It includes scientific research from atmospheric sciences, exposure and deposition, bio-geo-chemistry, hydrology, soil science, marine science, plant physiology, animal physiology, and ecology conducted at multiple scales (e.g., population, community, ecosystem, landscape levels).


This draft Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) represents a concise synthesis and evaluation of the most policy-relevant science and will ultimately provide the scientific bases for EPA’s decision on retaining or revising the current secondary standards for NO2, SO2, PM2.5 and PM10 since the prior release of the final assessment. The draft ISA was prepared as part of the review of the secondary (welfare-based) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, and particulate matter. The ISA, in conjunction with additional technical and policy assessments, provides the scientific basis for EPA’s decisions on the adequacy of the current NAAQS and the appropriateness of possible alternative standards.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/26/2018
Record Last Revised:11/24/2020
OMB Category:Highly Influential
Record ID: 340671