Science Inventory

Impact of water quality and operational factors on microcystin removal by powdered activated carbon


Alexander, M., Thomas Waters, M. McNeely, T. Speth, AND N. Dugan. Impact of water quality and operational factors on microcystin removal by powdered activated carbon. AWWA Water Science. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 6(3):e1372, (2024).


This article demonstrates the use of a fractional factorial design, executed using a series of jar tests, to screen for the impacts of multiple water quality and operational factors on the removal of microcystin by powdered activated carbon (PAC).  Microcystin removals were evaluated by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and liquid chromatography linked with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS).  The results demonstrated that the factorially designed experiments yielded main effect estimates that were plausible in the light of previously published work as well as general coagulation and adsorption knowledge.  Microcystin concentrations and removals analyzed by ELISA and LC/MS/MS were highly correlated. Both analytical methods generated main effect and effect interaction estimates that were substantially the same.  Considering the ubiquity of jar testers at water treatment plants, the free availability of software to design factorial experiments, and the financial and technical accessibility of ELISA analyses, the results of this work suggest a way for a broad range of treatment plants to efficiently optimize their toxin removal processes.  The results of this work will be of interest to practicing engineers, state primacy agency personnel, EPA regional personnel, and drinking water treatment plant superintendents.  


A financially and technically accessible method for screening powdered activated carbons for control of HAB toxins in water treatment.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:05/31/2024
Record Last Revised:07/03/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 361890