Office of Research and Development Publications

Renewable Energy Waste Management: Solar Panel Circular Economy


Sahle-Demessie, Endalkac AND B. Mezgebe. Renewable Energy Waste Management: Solar Panel Circular Economy. EM: AIR AND WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION'S MAGAZINE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGERS. Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA, , 08-12, (2024).


The adoption of a circular economy approach in the context of solar panels can have several significant impacts, addressing environmental concerns and promoting sustainability throughout the life cycle of these energy-producing devices. Therefore, the impact of a circular economy approach on solar panels extends beyond environmental benefits, influencing economic, social, and regulatory dimensions. This  approach aligns with the broader goal of creating a more sustainable and resource-efficient energy.


The rapid proliferation of solar energy adoption presents a substantial environmental challenge concerning end-of-life solar panels. A primary issue involves the presence of hazardous materials like cadmium and lead in these panels [2]. Proper handling and disposal of these toxic materials are imperative to prevent environmental contamination and health risks. Furthermore, inadequate recycling infrastructure in various regions results in a significant portion of panels ending up in landfills, leading to the wastage of valuable materials and environmental harm. To surmount these challenges, the implementation of recycling technologies is crucial. This includes designing panels for easy material recovery and establishing comprehensive regulations and policies that incentivize recycling practices and ensure responsible disposal. Embracing a circular economy approach proves beneficial in mitigating the escalating concerns surrounding solar panel waste. This strategy embodies a sustainable and environmentally friendly methodology for the entire life cycle of solar panels. When solar panels reach the end of their operational life, adopting this approach involves their collection and disassembly to retrieve valuable materials like silicon, glass, and metals. These reclaimed materials can then be utilized by manufacturers to produce new panels, thereby diminishing reliance on virgin resources and mitigating the environmental impact associated with mining and production. Figure AA illustrates the schematic diagram of the circular economy approach for managing end-of-life solar panels. By fostering efficient collection and recycling systems, this approach ensures that aging panels are not discarded as waste but rather transformed into valuable sources for new solar panel production. This reduction in the demand for virgin resources contributes to addressing the environmental challenges posed by the industry.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:03/01/2024
Record Last Revised:03/19/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 360782