Office of Research and Development Publications

Balancing Risk Assessment and Life Cycle Analysis of On Site Water Reuse Approaches


Garland, J. Balancing Risk Assessment and Life Cycle Analysis of On Site Water Reuse Approaches. Southwest Onsite Conference, Laughlin, NV, January 31 - February 01, 2024.


Provide an  update on EPA-ORD research related to onsite waster reuse to a group of stakeholders in the field.  


Increasing water shortages and aging infrastructure have broadened interest in using alternative source waters for a range of end uses. Developing fit-for-purpose treatment approaches requires consideration of both the proximal risks of reuse-related exposures and the more distal risks associated with the life cycle costs and impacts of shifting infrastructure. In collaboration with the National Blue Ribbon Commission for Onsite Non-Potable Water Systems, we used quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) to develop treatment targets for the major types of microbial risks (bacterial, viral, protozoan) for use in state and local reuse policies  to help ensure safe implementation.  Life cycle assessment of different scenarios for onsite, non-potable reuse indicate the potential cost/benefits of alternative reuse strategies. Results from the comparative analysis of alternative reuse strategies will be summarized, and an on-line  tool for users to perform their own evaluations of different reuse scenarios at the building scale at any zip code in the country will be reviewed.  

Record Details:

Product Published Date:02/01/2024
Record Last Revised:03/04/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 360611