Science Inventory

Underground Storage Tanks: Preparing and Responding to Natural Disasters


Hall, A. AND F. Kremer. Underground Storage Tanks: Preparing and Responding to Natural Disasters. National Tanks Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, September 12 - 15, 2022.


To present on the impact of extreme weather to underground storage tanks and leaking underground storage tanks at the National Tanks Conference. This is the premiere forum for underground storage tank remediation, research, and state cleanup and prevention programs. Alex Hall will present on the topic of climate change and USTs and meet with project collaborators.


Underground storage tanks (USTs) are increasingly being impacted by extreme weather event such as wildfires and inland and coastal flooding. Understanding the risk to these systems and preparing for extreme weather events can help mitigate discharge of fuels and other toxic substances from USTs into the environment. This presentation touches on UST impacts from flooding, wildfires and extreme heat and highligts EPA tools to better understand the geographic context in which these systems are at risk.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:09/13/2022
Record Last Revised:08/24/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 358701