Science Inventory

Library of Stormwater Decontamination, Containment, and Diversion Technologies


Mikelonis, A. AND J. Goodrich. Library of Stormwater Decontamination, Containment, and Diversion Technologies. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2021.


This document is a compendium of pictures and descriptive text of techniques used to stop the spread of contamination in stormwater and how it could be use to contain water for treatment. Technologies include adsorbent pads, dams, and other methods that would minimize waste and limit the area of land and infrastructure that needs to be decontaminated. The document will be converted into an EPA webpage and is intended to be used as a tool to spur discussion between researchers and stakeholders (e.g., academics, utilities, EPA On-Scene Coordinators/Emergency Planners) about technology gaps and intervention options for field applications and stormwater modeling simulations.


This document is a compendium of pictures and descriptive text of techniques used to stop the spread of contamination in stormwater and how it could be use to contain water for treatment. Technologies include adsorbent pads, dams, and other methods that would minimize waste and limit the area of land and infrastructure that needs to be decontaminated. Initial work for this project focused on compiling this information for stormwater management and this product will work on creating a compendium that is formated in a user friendly way for our partners doing cleanup operations.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:08/02/2021
Record Last Revised:05/04/2022
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 354707