Science Inventory

Developing Sustainable Chemical Processes and Circular Life Cycles


Ruiz-Mercado, Gerardo J. Developing Sustainable Chemical Processes and Circular Life Cycles. Invited Guest Lecture on Chemical Process Sustainability, Life Cycle Analysis, and Outreach Event at Universidad del Atlántico - Colombia, N/A, N/A, June 09, 2021.


As part of an open seminar series, Dr. Gerardo J. Ruiz-Mercado received an honorific invitation as distinguished Alumni to be a keynote speaker at the main celebration event for the 80th anniversary of the Engineering School at my Alma Mater, Universidad del Atlántico - Colombia This event will be held virtually on June 09, 2021, via Universidad del Atlántico. This invited seminar will cover sustainable chemical process development, life cycle inventory (LCI), and assessment (LCA), chemical end-of-life stages, and circular life cycles. Also, this presentation describes current approaches for the manufacturing of chemicals by designing processes that minimize environmental releases and occupational exposure as needed for CSS Life Cycle - Rapid Exposure Modeling and Dosimetry (REMD) project.


This invited keynote presentation provides compressive definitions regarding sustainable development, sustainability assessment and design, life cycle analysis, and their application in manufacturing more environmentally friendly chemicals with less occupational exposure. Similarly, this presentation explains the concepts of life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle inventory (LCI), sustainability, bottom-up approaches for estimating LCIs, and estimating releases for chemicals. Also, this lecture will describe a strategic implementation of quantitative evaluation criteria that can inform the environmental performance of a particular chemical manufacturing system by employing the GREENSCOPE tool and a corresponding case study application. Finally, this talk will describe a data engineering framework to perform chemical flow analysis and support the design and development of a sustainable circular life cycle of chemicals.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/09/2021
Record Last Revised:12/22/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 353749