Science Inventory

Carbon Nanotube - Metal Oxide Nanocomposites


Wang, D., W. Sun, AND C. Su. Carbon Nanotube - Metal Oxide Nanocomposites. Edition Feb. 2021, Chapter 4, B. Raneesh, Visakh P.M. (ed.), Metal Oxide Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Applications. Wiley-Scrivener, Salem, MA, , 73-154, (2021).


To be submitted to the Book, Metal Oxide Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Applications, to be published by Wiley and Sons, USA (Raneesh, B; Visakh. P. M, editors).


Compared to individual carbon nanotubes (CNTs), the improved and newly emerging CNT−metal oxide nanocomposites (CMNCs) pose unique properties that may enable fundamentally new techniques for identifying and solving environmental issues and challenges. This chapter critically showcases the synthesis methods (ex situ and in situ) of CMNCs; reviews the state-of-the-art progress of CMNCs’ environmental applications including sensors, antimicrobial agents, desalination membranes, and adsorbents for removal of contaminants; assesses the potential transport and transformation scenarios of CMNCs such as colloidal stability, aggregation, deposition, and chemical/biological transformation in the environment; and evaluates the possible impact and risk including toxicity of CMNCs to the environment, ecosystem, and human health. In particular, the interlinker molecules that are commonly used for hybridizing CNTs and metal oxides during synthesis may complicate the environmental behaviors and toxicological response of CMNCs to living organisms. Future opportunities for CMNCs’ applications in environmental systems, and current knowledge gaps for evaluating their environmental behaviors, and environmental health and safety (EHS) are proposed in this chapter as well.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:02/01/2021
Record Last Revised:06/01/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 351757