Science Inventory

useeio-widgets v0.1


Srocka, M., L. Heyns, Y. Zha, AND W. Ingwersen. useeio-widgets v0.1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2020.


This purpose of this software release is to share a first version of the USEEIO widgets with the public.


The USEEIO widgets are graphical components for integration into websites that display information and results from the USEEIO model. They are intended for use by web developers that do not have technical expertise in the USEEIO model. The widgets get USEEIO model data from the USEEIO API. The widgets are build primarily using Typescript which gets compiled into a Javascript library using the Node package manager and it relies on common Javascript frameworks including Nodejs and React. The widgets include dynamic sector lists with an optional mosaic heatmap showing potential impacts of model sectors or a three column layout showing monetary flows across sectors, an impact bar chart, and environmental profile chart, and also include a settings panel to allow end-users to change USEEIO model settings. We provide examples of integration of these widgets at The source code for the widgets can be found at, along with instructions on their use in a Wiki at

Record Details:

Product Published Date:09/18/2020
Record Last Revised:01/19/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 350608