Science Inventory

Overview of Ohio SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Monitoring System


Garland, J., Z. Bohrerova, AND R. Fugitt. Overview of Ohio SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Monitoring System. To be Presented at Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency Wastewater Designated Management Agency Meeting, NA, Virtual, November 04, 2020.


Provide an overview of the Ohio wastewater monitroign efforts to the Northeast Ohio Area Wide Coordinating Agency.


Widespread studies conducted national and globally indicate that genes specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus can be detected in wastewater. The ability to collectively sample both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals has lead dozens of state, cities, and universities to actively monitor wastewater to inform public health decisions. The clarity in the wastewater’s reflection of viral load within the community can be distorted by several factors, including variation in analytical detection methods, decay and dilution of the genes during wastewater transport, and imprecision in relating the wastewater signal to other, imperfect measures of community infection rates. This webinar focuses on the ORD research team’s collaborative efforts to reduce uncertainty across these three areas, including method development within our lab, application in sewersheds with distinctive levels of industrial and stormwater impacts within the Cincinnati Metropolitan Sewer District , and development of a wastewater surveillance system in Ohio in support of the State Department of Health.


Overview of Ohio SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Monitoring System  (PDF, NA pp,  6826  KB,  about PDF)

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/04/2020
Record Last Revised:01/07/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 350523