Science Inventory

Overview of US EPA Homeland Security Research Program Stormwater Modeling Studies


Mikelonis, A. AND K. Ratliff. Overview of US EPA Homeland Security Research Program Stormwater Modeling Studies. Presented at ACWA Webinar, n/a, N/A (Webinar), April 28, 2020.


This webinar will give an overview of recent stormwater-modeling focused studies being conducted as part of the EPA's Homeland Security Research Program. It will highlight case studies for using stormwater models in hypothetical emergency response scenarios. This webinar is of interest to state and local officials engaged in emergency planning, as well as to other researchers studying and modeling contaminant fate and transport processes.


The Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response (CESER) in the Office of Research and Development at the US Environmental Protection Agency conducts research to enhance response capabilities and community resilience to manmade and natural disasters. Following an intentional or accidental release of a chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) agent, tracking contaminant fate and transport is necessary for effective recovery. This presentation will highlight a number of laboratory, field, and modeling efforts being conducted in CESER to develop capabilities to accurately parametrize stormwater models for CBR agents. This includes rainfall simulator washoff studies of spores, SWMM modeling of radiological deposition across a city, and expansion of PySWMM to access additional water quality and pollutant data in SWMM5.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:04/28/2020
Record Last Revised:05/04/2020
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 348713