Science Inventory

EPA’s Integrated Rad Remediation Decision Support Tool (IRRD-ST) to Optimize Radiological Cleanup Decisions


Letellier, B., T. Boe, P. Lemieux, S. Lee, J. Mitchell, M. Rodgers, AND C. Hayes. EPA’s Integrated Rad Remediation Decision Support Tool (IRRD-ST) to Optimize Radiological Cleanup Decisions. Presented at EPA Decon Conference, Norfolk,VA, November 19 - 21, 2019.


This Abstract for the 2019 EPA International Decontamination Research and Development Conference. This presentation will describe an enhanced approach that combines semi-automated image processing with radiation physics to achieve greatly improved accuracy while minimizing the need for manual manipulation.


As part of its mission to protect human health and the environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts characterization efforts to understand the type, extent, and level of contamination resulting from a chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) incidents. EPA uses the Hot Spot Calculator (HSC) to optimize radiological cleanup decisions in conjunction with composite images to estimate contaminated areas and identify isotopes and surface types affected in support of estimating costs associated with various decontamination technologies needed to remediate the contaminated area.


EPAACIRC.PDF  (PDF, NA pp,  551  KB,  about PDF)

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/18/2019
Record Last Revised:11/26/2019
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 347493