Science Inventory

FLOWSA v1.0.0


Birney, C., B. Young, M. Conner, A. Beck, J. Specht, M. Li, AND W. Ingwersen. FLOWSA v1.0.0. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2021.


FLOWSA is a data processing library that attributes resource use, waste, emissions, and loss to economic sectors. FLOWSA aggregates, combines, and allocates data from a variety of sources. FLOWSA Flow-By-Sector tables are imported into useeior for life cycle modeling. 


FLOWSA is a Python data processing library developed to streamline the allocation of resources, emissions, wastes, and losses to economic sectors/industries, collectively called flows. Models capture flows between the environment and industries and transfers between sectors. FLOWSA formats publicly available data and provides a means of attributing that data to US industries using a user-defined method. FLOWSA provides users access to the most up-to-date code and data via a GitHub repository, enabling transparent and reproducible data imports and model results. FLOWSA is a convenient tool for exploring and comparing industry attribution models. FLOWSA helps support USEEIO, as the Flow-By-Sector datasets created in FLOWSA are the environmental inputs to useeior. The python code and additional documentation can be found on GitHub:

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/16/2021
Record Last Revised:09/28/2022
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 355763