Science Inventory

Standardizing the Sampling of PFAS in Foams and Surface Microlayers for Surface Waters


Balz, A., M. Mills, J. Van Buren, Chris McArthur, D. Elliott, A. Hall, A. Tam, A. Doroshow, AND E. Layton. Standardizing the Sampling of PFAS in Foams and Surface Microlayers for Surface Waters. Innovations in Environmental Science: Panel Discussions with EPA Early Career Researchers, Cincinnati, OH, March 07, 2024.


This presentation is an overview of a ROAR Project entitled "Standardizing the Sampling of PFAS in Foams and Surface Microlayers for Surface Waters."  Adam Balz and Marc Mills are co-leads on this project and Adam will give the presentation. This ROAR is in collaboration with Region 4.  This research is presenting development of standardized procedures for sampling foam and the surface microlayer for PFAS.      


Due to some Per and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic components on the same structure, they are often found at the interface between air and water. This behavior results in PFAS concentrating in the surface microlayer. When surface water is exposed to agitation and turbulence from waves, wind, and flow, foams can form. Surface microlayers and foams can contain much higher concentrations of PFAS than the underlying waterbody and can therefore provide a potential exposure pathway for aquatic wildlife and humans. U.S.EPA’s Office of Research and Development with support from U.S.EPA’s Region 4 is developing standardized procedures for sampling foam and the surface microlayer for PFAS.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:03/07/2024
Record Last Revised:05/28/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 361582