Science Inventory

Microbial Source Tracking with Human-Associated Quantitative Real-Time PCR


Shanks, O. Microbial Source Tracking with Human-Associated Quantitative Real-Time PCR. Maryland Beach Conference 2024, Baltimore, MD, April 10, 2024.


Unsafe levels of fecal pollution in recreational water and urban stormwater can pose a serious public health risk and can lead to economic burdens.  Recreational beaches and stormwater discharges are typically managed with a general fecal indicator such as E. coli, however these approaches do not differentiate between pollutant sources.  Different pollutant sources can represent variable levels of public health risk and may require different mitigation strategies.  In response, the U.S. EPA ORD maintains an active research program to develop, validate, implement, and provide technical support for tools to characterize fecal pollution sources in stormwater and recreational waters.  Information covered in this presentation was prepared based on research priorities defined in the U.S. EPA Strategic Research Action Plan (SSWR 403.1.1).


This presentation provides an overview of select U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development research qPCR fecal source identification activities pertaining to the Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Research Action plan for 403.1.1 research priorities.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:04/10/2024
Record Last Revised:07/01/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 361975