Science Inventory

GIWiz: The Green Infrastructure Wizard


TenBrink, M. GIWiz: The Green Infrastructure Wizard. SSWR Green Infrastructure Toolkit Webinar, N/A, RI, October 26, 2016.


GIWiz is an interactive web application that connects communities to EPA Green Infrastructure (GI) tools & resources. It was developed through partnership of ORD's Safe and Sustainable Water Resources (SSWR) Research Program, the Sustainable and Healthy Communities research program, the Office of Policy, the Office of Water and EPA Regions 1, 2, and 3. GIWiz was first released in September 2016 and has had over 7000 visits in its first year. This national SSWR presentation is part of the outreach and communications by the SSWR of the new "Green Infrastructure Toolkit", which provides direct access to ORD's GI tools GIWIZ, WMOST, VELMA, SWC, and SWMM. The presentation provides an overview of GIWIZ and how to use it. It will increase the number of people who use it are thus more able to find and utilize EPA's green infrastructure resources.


This is a 10-minute slide set about the tool "GIWiz" for the Oct 26, 2016 SSWR webinar presentation on the "Green Infrastructure Toolkit". GIWiz is an interactive web application that connects communities to EPA Green Infrastructure tools & resources. GIWiz provides users with customized reports containing the EPA tools and resources they select, direct links, and overview information about each. The guided search functions within GIWiz were developed through analysis of the decision pathways followed by GI practitioners in communities, and the attributes of the Tools and Resources tagged to reflect user needs. A Quick links function delivers a pre-selected list of tools and resources and the Explore function allows users to customize the search based on they own needs and objectives. There are currently 385 tools and resources in the GIWiz database and GIWIZ has over 7000 'hits' in the first year of operation. It provides quick and efficient access to EPA GI tools and resources.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:10/26/2016
Record Last Revised:06/27/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 361936