Science Inventory

Mapping the value of commercial fishing and potential costs of offshore wind energy on the US West Coast: An assessment of resource use tradeoffs


Griffin, R. Mapping the value of commercial fishing and potential costs of offshore wind energy on the US West Coast: An assessment of resource use tradeoffs. Natural Capital Symposium 2024, Stanford, CA, June 04 - 07, 2024.


Poster describing research results of geospatial analysis to assess overlap between offshore wind energy development and commercial fisheries and to examine economically relevant tradeoffs between these two uses. 


Poster describing research results of geospatial analysis to assess overlap between offshore wind energy development and commercial fisheries and to examine economically relevant tradeoffs between these two uses. Poster presented at the Natural Capital Symposium at Stanford University.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/07/2024
Record Last Revised:06/26/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 361918