Office of Research and Development Publications

Next Generation Emission Measurements: The Intersection of Industry and Communities


Thoma, E., W. Champion, Alireza Gitipour, I. George, M. MacDonald, AND R. Duvall. Next Generation Emission Measurements: The Intersection of Industry and Communities. Air, Climate, and Energy Research Webinar Series, Durham (Webinar), NC, May 02, 2024.


The Next Generation Emission Measurement (NGEM) topic reflects a rapidly changing technical and regulatory landscape. For this reason, regular communication with internal partners is of key importance. Sub-Product  ACE.401.2.1 is an internal presentation for the Air, Climate, and Energy Research Webinar Series, to be held on May 2, 2024 titled: “Next Generation Emission Measurements, The Intersection of Industry and Communities”, with subtitle: “FY2023 NGEM Annual Summary - Enhancing Regional Connections” This year’s webinar is geared towards EPA Regions and is designed to provide background information to many new EPA staff that are part of recent reorganizations and staff builds. This webinar reviews NGEM and EPA Odor Explore App background and discusses current and future efforts in an easy to digest format that employs hyperlinks to a range of other EPA Sub-Products and reference materials. This webinar will be presented by a combination of NGEM core team members to help introduce new ORD staff and their areas of focus to our partners.  


Industrial and waste management facilities can emit air pollutants and odorous compounds from fugitive leaks, process malfunctions, and area sources that are difficult to predict, quantify, and manage. These sources can produce a range of environmental and life quality impacts and create significant uncertainty and stress for industries, regulators, and fenceline communities. EPA’s Next Generation Emissions Measurements (NGEM) research program works with a range of partners to develop and test emerging air monitoring tools that can assist facilities in detection and management of these air pollution sources. NGEM is helping industry reduce emissions and is enabling new measurement-based emissions management and inventory strategies. Lower cost NGEM tools are now beginning to help fenceline communities better understand the air they breathe. This webinar provides a brief overview of several NGEM techniques that are useful at the interface between industries and communities. Leak detection and fenceline sensors, mobile monitoring, specialized measurements for air toxics, and the fusion of sensor data with new information tools, such as EPA’s emerging Odor Explore App, will be discussed. The EPA-internal webinar summarizes FY23 NGEM team progress and will be presented by a combination ORD scientists to help introduce new staff and their areas of focus to our partners.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:05/02/2024
Record Last Revised:05/20/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 361481