Office of Research and Development Publications

Advancing Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination, and sustainability in Ohio through a regenerative approach


Mazzolini-Blanchard, B., D. Knickerbocker, AND J. Lazorchak. Advancing Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination, and sustainability in Ohio through a regenerative approach. 2023 SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 12 - 16, 2023.


The Ohio Native Land Initiative is an effort intended to (1) promote greater involvement with and protection for sacred Indigenous sites in Ohio; (2) broaden alliance-building efforts leading to deeper engagement with movements that support the protection of Indigenous sovereignty and cultural rights; (and (3) broadening education and public outreach around Indigenous culture, lifeways, and native habitats. 4) encourage serious efforts toward the re-indigenizing of public and private spaces in order to create opportunities that honor Indigenous lifeways and promote spiritual freedom.


Advocacy: Urban Native Collective (UNC)’s advocacy strategy is centered around education and partnerships that promote a clear path towards acknowledging and overcoming racial biases while establishing a deeper understanding of Indigenous culture. We advocate for solidarity, protection, and defense of human and non-human kin, land, water, and air. Our advocacy strategies are designed to create real and lasting change that uplifts the voices and experiences of Indigenous communities while challenging the harmful systems and structures that perpetuate inequality and injustice. Community Support: UNC’s community support strategy is built around a commitment to advancing the wellbeing and empowerment of Native and Indigenous communities while building allies. We recognize that many Indigenous communities face significant challenges, including limited access to resources, land and medicine, access to food and water, systemic inequalities, and environmental degradation.We focus on addressing these issues and providing tangible support such as through access to our community center, referrals to healthcare, land and hunting access, and social services. Ohio Native Land Initiative: One of the essential elements of Native culture is the profound connection and sense of reciprocity that the people of this continent maintain with their lands and natural resources. The Urban Native Collective has developed an Ohio Native Land Initiative that seeks to establish a broader platform to promote Indigenous perspectives on sacred sites, encourage land rematriation efforts, and assert Native sovereignty as foundational to some of the region’s most important natural resources and public spaces. The Ohio Native Land Initiative is an effort intended to (1) promote greater involvement with and protection for sacred Indigenous sites in Ohio; (2) broaden alliance-building efforts leading to deeper engagement with movements that support the protection of Indigenous sovereignty and cultural rights; (and (3) broadening education and public outreach around Indigenous culture, lifeways, and native habitats. 4) encourage serious efforts toward the re-indigenizing of public and private spaces in order to create opportunities that honor Indigenous lifeways and promote spiritual freedom.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/16/2023
Record Last Revised:01/02/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 360078