Science Inventory

WI American Waterworks Association (WIAWWA) Treatment Operations Seminar


James, P., Matthew Heberling, AND D. Ebert. WI American Waterworks Association (WIAWWA) Treatment Operations Seminar. WI American Waterworks Association (WIAWWA) Treatment Operations Seminar, Oak Creek, WI, May 04, 2023.


This is an invited presentation to discuss how water quality affects drinking water treatment costs. The presentation will help explain the role economics has in estimating avoided treatment costs and determining whether source water or wellhead protection is cost-effective.


Decision-makers considering source water or wellhead protection often lack quantitative estimates of its benefits. This presentation will begin with a review of economic studies that estimate the benefits (i.e., avoided treatment costs) of improving source water quality for treatment plants. Case studies will help illustrate the economic models and the results they can provide. Notable research gaps and future directions will also be discussed.


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Record Details:

Product Published Date:05/24/2023
Record Last Revised:07/17/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 358412