Science Inventory

Knowledge Sharing to Improve Toxicity Testing Efficiency & Outcomes: SETAC’s Aquatic Toxicity Testing Interest Group & Culture Troubleshooting Subgroup Activities


Bowersox, M., C. Flinders, Jim Lazorchak, N. Love, T. Norberg-King, D. Soucek, AND T. Watson-Leung. Knowledge Sharing to Improve Toxicity Testing Efficiency & Outcomes: SETAC’s Aquatic Toxicity Testing Interest Group & Culture Troubleshooting Subgroup Activities. SETAC NA, Pittsburg, PA, November 15, 2022.


Overview of the discussion this interest group subcommittee has been discussing over the past year related to, standard methods developed for toxicity assessment used for regulatory purposes, monitoring, and Toxicity Reduction Evaluations / Toxicity Identification Evaluations (TRE/TIEs) and test organism culturing practices and adherence to method guidelines essential for consistent and robust toxicity estimates.  


The SETAC Aquatic Toxicity Testing Interest Group (ATTIG) Culture Troubleshooting Sub-group is a community practitioners with the following objectives: Source for reference toxicant data Source for suggestions/tools/techniques for tracking data quality Group to discuss links between culture and test performance Data sharing and cross-lab species sensitivity information Future research directions with culturing (e.g., reduce test organism use) Insight, resource, and pathway for standard method development Resource for researchers who use field-collected organisms Therapy/commiseration with others Sounding board for ideas Networking group to get to know people who are doing similar work Create a directory of labs/species cultured as a source for troubleshooting Source for organism sharing

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Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/15/2022
Record Last Revised:02/10/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 357002