Science Inventory

Environmental Justice Research in Coastal Waters​


Canfield, Katherine, K. Mulvaney, K. Torso, A. Cato, AND M. Cashman. Environmental Justice Research in Coastal Waters​. University of Rhode Island - Graduate School of Oceanography JEDI Fall Seminar Series, Narragansett, RI, December 14, 2022.


Improving awareness of environmental justice terminology and research in coastal waters. This presentation will build awareness among graduate students and researchers at the University of Rhode Island in multidisciplinary approaches to improving environmental justice impact of water research.


Working towards equity and inclusion in environmental spaces requires evaluating environmental justice. Environmental justice refers to the distribution of environmental benefits and burdens being representative of people's positive and negative impacts on the environment, and the right of all people to have access to environmental goods, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, national origin, socioeconomic status, or other potentially marginalized aspect of identity. Environmental justice research in its current form has been around for nearly 50 years, but has been primarily focused on air pollution and inequities. We provide an assessment of the state of environmental justice work on coastal waters, explaining the various aspects of environmental justice through case studies that have focused on this environment. Through this presentation, we hope to build awareness and understanding of the multidisiciplinary approaches that can have a positive environmental justice impact in water research.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:12/14/2022
Record Last Revised:12/19/2022
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 356571