Science Inventory

Environmental DNA as a Tool for Invasive Species Detection and Management


Morisette, J., R. lance, T. Leskey, Y. Passamaneck, A. Piaggio, B. Rector, A. Sepulveda, M. Smith, C. Stepien, T. Wilcox, K. Brantley, S. Burgiel, W. Daniel, J. Darling, J. Davis, T. Franklin, K. Gaddis, AND M. Hunter. Environmental DNA as a Tool for Invasive Species Detection and Management. U.S. Department of the Interior, Tuscaloosa, AL, 2022.


Provides guidance to potential end-users of environmental DNA methods for surveillance and monitoring of invasive species; outlines potential applications of eDNA, criteria for assessment of eDNA methods for various end uses, and best practices for development and implementation of eDNA methods


This white paper focuses on eDNA tools for invasive species monitoring and detection by U.S. federal agencies. It builds on the work of an interagency task team under the auspices of the National Invasive Species Council (NISC), which developed a technical report for invasive species managers entitled, “Strategic considerations for invasive species managers to utilize environmental DNA (eDNA): if, when, and how.”  This white paper summarizes the findings of the technical report and provides specific considerations for NISC member agencies and other interested parties. Federal agencies can best incorporate eDNA sampling as an invasive species detection tool by building on successful applications and established programs, and by recognizing and taking advantage of the unique aspects of this relatively new, but potentially powerful method. 

Record Details:

Product Published Date:04/01/2022
Record Last Revised:07/06/2022
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 355041