Science Inventory

Generic Ecosystem Services Assessment Endpoints


Munns, W. Generic Ecosystem Services Assessment Endpoints. ORD Superfund and Technology Liaison Research (STLR) Pre-workshop Webinars, NA, Virtual, November 10, 2021.


Ecosystem services are directly related to the benefits people derive from functioning ecosystems. EPA's Ecological Risk Assessment Forum, consisting of regional risk assessors across the country, are considering inclusion of ecosystem services more directly in the risk assessments they conduct, especially for hazardous waste sites. Consideration of Generic Ecological Assessment Endpoints, with ecosystem services included, can help scoping and problem formulation of assessments to be more meaningful and understandable by the public, and can better inform decisions. This presentation offers a way to ensure consideration of ecosystem services as risk assessments are planned and conducted.


This webinar is part of the lead-up to the Ecological Risk Assessment Forum (ERAF)’s workshop to continue exploring how ecosystem goods and services tools can be incorporated into ecological risk assessments. This workshop is funded by ORD’s Superfund Technology Liaison Research (STLR). The webinar is oriented toward ecological risk assessors at Superfund and RCRA sites, and will focus on potential application of Generic Ecosystem Services Assessment Endpoints (GEAEs) in problem formulation and risk analysis.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/10/2021
Record Last Revised:11/30/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 353474