Science Inventory

Overview of Ecosystem Services


Sharpe, L. AND T. Newcomer-Johnson. Overview of Ecosystem Services. East Mount Zion RESES Technical Discussion Day 1, N/A - online webinar, Florida, February 13, 2020.


A presentation on ecosystem services to a technical working groups to share basic information on ecosystem services thinking and models in order to develop a shared approach for this project.


This presentation gives a basic overview of ecosystem services in order to provide all members of the East Mount Zion RESES technical working group a common framework to use when discussing ecosystem services. We explain the origins of the ecosystem services concept generally and the final ecosystem goods and services (FEGS) approach specifically. We explain how ecological models can be used and give examples from the EcoService Models Library (ESML). Finally, we give examples of the types of ecosystem services that may be relevant for the East Mount Zion landfill cap site.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:02/13/2020
Record Last Revised:02/18/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 350824