Science Inventory

2019 NADP Total Deposition Science Committee Agricultural Workshop: “Connecting stakeholder and science perspectives to better understand the linkages between agriculture and reactive nitrogen deposition”


Walker, JohnT, G. Beachley, AND S. Isil. 2019 NADP Total Deposition Science Committee Agricultural Workshop: “Connecting stakeholder and science perspectives to better understand the linkages between agriculture and reactive nitrogen deposition”. In Proceedings, Connecting stakeholder and science perspectives to better understand the linkages between agriculture and reactive nitrogen deposition, Boulder, CO, NC, November 04, 2019. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 1-113, (2020).


In 2019, members of the NADP Total Deposition Science Committee and collaborators completed a whitepaper outlining science needs for continued development of reactive nitrogen (Nr) deposition budgets in the U.S. ( committees/tdep/reports/nrDepWhitePaper.aspx). Improving current understanding of the role of agriculture in Nr deposition was identified as an overarching theme where important data and knowledge gaps persist. Advancements needed to address these gaps span a number of research areas including: • Characterization of spatial and temporal patterns of reduced N (NH3 + NH4+) deposition • Better understanding of Nr emissions from agricultural and non- agricultural sources • Improvement of atmospheric deposition models • More accurate source apportionment of Nr deposition Understanding the interests and needs of stakeholders that can contribute to, and benefit from, better understanding the role of agriculture in Nr deposition is a key step in addressing these research needs.


A 1-day workshop “Connecting Stakeholder and Science Perspectives to Better Understand the Linkages Between Agriculture and Reactive Nitrogen Deposition” was convened to discuss recent advances and future directions in Nr deposition research and to better understand the interests and needs of stakeholders that can contribute to, and benefit from, better understanding the role of agriculture in Nr deposition. The workshop was held on November 4th, 2019 in Boulder, CO in conjunction with the Fall NADP Science Symposium and was attended by approximately 100 participants from academia, state and federal government, tribal nations, and private industry. The workshop consisted of invited presentations and panels, beginning with a science focused morning session organized around the research areas mentioned above. This was followed by a more stakeholder-oriented afternoon session, also comprising invited speakers and panelists including participants from Federal and State agencies, tribal communities, and commodity and agricultural organizations. Here we summarize the presentations and panel discussions, drawing on slides as well as audio of the presentations and panels. Following the format of the TDep white paper, presentations are organized into three parts: Introduction, State of the Science, and Future Directions. Panel discussions are organized by the main points and themes of the discussions.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/04/2020
Record Last Revised:01/13/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 350584