Science Inventory

High Throughput Toxicokinetics (httk) Modeling Virtual Training


Evans, M. AND C. Schacht. High Throughput Toxicokinetics (httk) Modeling Virtual Training. NAMs Training, Virtual, NC, November 08 - 09, 2023.




The "httk" R package for high-throughput toxicokinetics (HTTK) is widely used by partners and stakeholders involved in chemical safety decision-making and research, including researchers at agencies including Health Canada; NIEHS; US Consumer Product Safety Commission; and universities including University of North Carolina and Texas A&M. HTTK combines chemic-specific in vitro measures of TK with reproducible, transparent, and open-source TK models that place data generated by new approach methodologies (NAMs) in public health  risk context and enhances interpretation of biomonitoring data. HTTK includes a suite of general purpose tools, applications, and data for physiologically-based toxicokinetic (PBTK) modeling that are continuously evolving and improving, with much recent development activity including the addition of a new gas inhalation model, a gestation/fetal model, and a dermal model. Many partners and stakeholders have requested "httk" tutorials and training to understand how to apply "httk" to the needs of their decision-making processes. Additionally, "httk" training courses are perennially popular at scientific meetings. This product will improve communication and outreach to chemical safety decision-makers.


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Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/09/2023
Record Last Revised:12/12/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 359885