Science Inventory

Overview of EPA/ORD development and use of DNA-based tools to support assessment of aquatic resources


Trebitz, A. Overview of EPA/ORD development and use of DNA-based tools to support assessment of aquatic resources. Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies 112th Annual Meeting, NA, MN, September 18 - 21, 2022.


This presentation, describing EPA/ORD’s research in the area of DNA-based tools for biological assessments, was invited by the Invasive Species Committee of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.  The presentation gives a fairly broad overview, first introducing the basis for this research – the call for invasive species early detection monitoring under the Great lakes Restoration Initiative -- then summarizing a variety of completed and ongoing research related to fish and aquatic invertebrate assessments and capacity building for DNA-based monitoring.


Presentation to the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies 112th Annual Meeting September 2022  

Record Details:

Product Published Date:09/21/2022
Record Last Revised:04/06/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 357488