Science Inventory

Food web energy transfer in Lake Superior to support contaminant research


Lepak, R., B. Blackwell, J. Hoffman, A. Cotter, M. Gordon, Dan Villeneuve, AND G. Ankley. Food web energy transfer in Lake Superior to support contaminant research. Twin Ports Freshwater Folks online Webinar, Duluth, MN, September 01, 2021.


Presentation to the Twin Ports Freshwater Folks online webinar September 2021. 


Elevated contaminant burden in fish poses risks to fish-consuming wildlife and humans. We propose new ways to understand fish-contaminant dynamics by leveraging the energy pathways to lake trout. We know that these pathways have not been constant through time and the fluctuations in diet due to both invasive species and niche partitioning has impacted fish health and results in variability. The historical data necessary to demonstrate these fluctuations is lacking and thus alternative methods to trace fish diets must be employed. Here we measure carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in bulk fish tissue and amino acids of a well-preserved fish archive to reconstruct dietary preferences of lake trout since 1982.  We then propose next generation approaches to enhance our understanding further. 

Record Details:

Product Published Date:09/01/2021
Record Last Revised:04/04/2022
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 354456