Science Inventory

Comparative and predictive toxicology provide integrative bridges for planetary, eco- and one health


Brooks, B., T. Sabo-Attwood, K. Choi, S. Kim, J. Kostal, C. LaLone, L. Langan, L. Margiotta-Casaluci, J. You, AND X. Zhang. Comparative and predictive toxicology provide integrative bridges for planetary, eco- and one health. One Earth. Cell Press, Cambridge, MA, 2(4):312-316, (2020).


In recent years, Planetary Health, EcoHealth and One Health have emerged as multidisciplinary trajectories, resulting in new conferences, scholarly journals and graduate study programs at colleges and universities. Each of these initiatives embrace systems thinking, and examine inherent connections among the environment and humans in conceptually similar, though subtly different, ways. Common One Health issues include pollution-induced harmful algal blooms and associated threats to public health and ecosystems from algal toxins, and influences of antibiotic pollution on development of antibiotic resistant microorganisms, another leading global health threat. This commentary article describes advances in comparative and predictive toxicology that are developing integrative disciplinary bridges to support such efforts.


Systems approaches are necessary to protect global health and the environment from pollution. Planetary Health, EcoHealth and One Health are systems based initiatives, but require sound theoretical platforms to address chemical pollution. Comparative and predictive toxicology, which emerged from systems biology, computational chemistry and pharmacology, provide integrative approaches to advance these initiatives by identifying problematic contaminants, designing less hazardous alternatives and reducing pollution impacts to humans and ecosystems.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:04/01/2020
Record Last Revised:07/26/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 352399