Science Inventory

SeqAPASS demo


LaLone, C. SeqAPASS demo. EPA Board of Scientific Councilors (BOSC) Virtual Meeting, Duluth, MN, February 02 - 05, 2021.


This presentation will be a demo of the Sequence Alignment to Predict Across Species Susceptibility (version 5.0) tool. Demonstrations will focus on the new and enhanced features in data visualization, synthesis, and interpretation.


The US Environmental Protection Agency Sequence Alignment to Predict Across Species Susceptibility tool (SeqAPASS; was developed to comparatively evaluate protein sequence and structural similarity across species as a means to extrapolate toxicity data/knowledge. SeqAPASS output provides a prediction of chemical susceptibility based on principles of evolutionary biology in understanding species relatedness at the molecular level. New to SeqAPASS Version 5 include the following: • SeqAPASS Level 3 individual amino acid comparisons now have a customizable heat map visualization for rapid interpretation of the data and utility for publication and presentation quality graphics. • In order to synthesize SeqAPASS results (i.e., data tables and visualizations) across all Levels (1, 2, and 3) of the SeqAPASS evaluation, a customizable Decision Summary Report has been created. Users can now push SeqAPASS results to a final downloadable (.pdf) summary report. These features will be highlighted during a live demonstration.


DOI: SeqAPASS demo   Exit EPA's Web Site

Record Details:

Product Published Date:02/05/2021
Record Last Revised:02/03/2021
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 350708